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EPD Australasia introduces reduced annual fee for small business

The Australasian EPD Programme has introduced a new fee category for small businesses. The Australasian region has many small innovative businesses and this new fee category will make it more accessible for these businesses to provide credible environmental information about... Read more

Product Category Rules (PCR) for all packaging to be developed

The International EPD System has announced the start of the process to develop Product Category Rules (PCR) for all consumer and distribution packaging. Packaging is a hot topic worldwide. Overpackaging, the logistics of returnable and reusable packaging as well as... Read more

Infrastructure Sustainability News – Australia and New Zealand

Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) is launching V2.0 of the IS rating scheme on 14th June in Canberra followed by launches in other Australian cities and Christchurch NZ. Click here for launch details. The update will include an updated Materials... Read more

Guidance released on Streamlined Carbon Neutral Certification for Australasian EPDs

The Australian Department of the Environment and Energy has published a guidance document on how Australasian EPD holders can utilise a streamlined process to achieve carbon neutral certification against the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS). The guidance was summarized during... Read more

PROFILE: Andrew Marjoribanks – A steel industry perspective on sustainability and EPDs

Andrew Marjoribanks may be officially “retired” after a lengthy career in the steel industry, but he remains an extremely active contributor to both the Steel Industry and sustainability initiatives. He is a board member of both the Australasian EPD Programme... Read more

Key Role for EPDs in reshaped Australian Green Star System

Planning for the next version of the Australian Green Star building environmental rating system has commenced. Due for release from 2020, it is proposed to include an increased focus on the environmental and social impacts of products and materials. A... Read more

EPDs for Green Electricity

With the publication of the first solar power EPD in February, the International EPD® System has now published robust, quantified reports on the environmental impacts of all the key forms of “green” electricity. Chilean firm Acciona Energia prepared the first... Read more

Australasian EPD launches new website

Our new website was launched recently in April following a major upgrade project. Key improvements of the new look website include ease of use on mobile devices, a new fully searchable Australasian EPD database (all Australasian EPDs are also still... Read more

Ecolean takes Leadership Role in EPDs for Packaging

Lightweight packaging manufacturer, Ecolean, has become the first packaging system supplier to review their entire system with the rigorous analysis of EPDs. Not only has the company published EPDs for their packaging, they have also done so for their filling... Read more

DULUX values trust EPDs provide in a world jaded by corporate greenwashing

To date, Dulux Australia have published three EPDs for their paint products through the Australasian EPD Programme. We spoke to Dulux Brand Manager, Stephen Champion who explained that the verifiable, transparent nature of EPDs lends them a high degree of... Read more

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