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General Programme Instructions Version 3.0 published

Version 3 of the General Programme Instructions (GPI) has been published, setting a new set of rules for operation and management of the International EPD® System according to ISO 14025. The update was made to stay relevant and up-to-date following... Read more

Profiting from the global growth and harmonisation of EPDs

A webinar on demand featuring speakers from The Australasian EPD Programme, LCANZ and thinkstep was recorded on 12 October 2017 (available here https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3886945513907045891). Following on from this successful webinar, sustainability expert Florian Nebel from thinkstep has penned this blog which... Read more


Meet Jonas Bengtsson: LCA consultant and the Vice Chair of the Australasian EPD Programme’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Jonas is the CEO and co-founder of multinational sustainability consultancy Edge Environment. As well as serving the industry through his role on... Read more

New EPD Hubs and Programmes in Brazil, India and Ireland

New regional hubs for local support, registration and promotion of EPDs have been established in Brazil and India. They join New Zealand and Australia (Australasian EPD Programme), Chile and Mexico (EPD Latin America) and Turkey (EPD Turkey) as part of... Read more

Martin Fryer Joins Australasian EPD Board

The Sustainability Manager for Auckland Airport, Martin Fryer, has been nominated by LCANZ to join the Australasian EPD Board of Directors. Responsible for implementing Auckland Airport’s sustainability policy, Martin brings extensive sustainability experience to the Board. He began his career... Read more

Highlights of the EPD International Stakeholder Conference in London

Jane Anderson from thinkstep provided us with this overview from the International EPD Stakeholder Conference held in London in September. Sven Olof Ryding from the Swedish Environmental Research Institute opened the conference, highlighting the progress that LCA and EPD have... Read more

Green Star Australia introducing new embodied carbon innovation challenges

New Green Star innovation challenges are being introduced for energy and carbon by the Green Building Council of Australia which will have implications for building and construction materials suppliers. The Responsible Carbon Impact innovation challenge will reward projects for: Reducing... Read more

EPD Contributes to Zip Hydrotap Success

Earlier this year Zip Water published an Australasian EPD for their HydroTap drinking water appliance. We spoke to Daniel Cuthbert, Commercial Marketing and Training Manager about the EPD process and how having an EPD has contributed to the success of... Read more

Australian Certified Carbon Neutrality Now Easier With An Australasian EPD

For holders of Australasian EPDs certifying a product or service as carbon neutral has just got a lot simpler under the Australian Government’s National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS). From 1st November 2017 Australasian EPD’s have been officially recognised as consistent... Read more

Guidance on the use of INA in EPDs

1. PURPOSE An issue was raised with the AEPDP Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in relation to the use of ”Indicator Not Assessed” or ”INA” in EPDs. The EPD in question had used INA for indicators in the ”Use of resources”... Read more

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