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EPD News

New Construction PCR Available for Public Consultation

The International EPD System has opened a new public consultation on a revised PCR for construction products. The new PCR will replace the existing PCR 2012:01 Construction products and construction services which is valid until 2020-03-03. It is based on... Read more

Interview: REDA, Australasia’s first fabric EPDs

Founded in 1865 by the Botto Poala family of the Piedmont region of Italy, REDA has been producing exceptional Merino wool textiles since 1919. A long-term partner of the New Zealand Merino Company and the ZQ Merino programme, the two... Read more

Profile: Rob Rouwette, Life cycle expert and approved EPD verifier

Rob Rouwette is one of Australia’s most experienced Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) experts. Based in Melbourne, Rob is Senior Manager with environmental consultancy firm Energetics and Founder and Director of private consultancy start2see. Throughout his career, Rob has been an... Read more

Fabrics, Cladding and Cement: The latest Australasian EPDs

EPD Australasia congratulates Successori REDA, Pacific Coilcoaters, and Golden Bay Cement on the recent publication of their EPDs. Successori REDA has been producing exceptional Merino wool textiles since 1919 and is a long-term partner of the New Zealand Merino Company... Read more

Presentation to Tasman Insulation for publication of the 50th EPD

As you may have read in our newsletter Tasman Insulation recently published their EPD for their Pink® Batts® Glass Wool insulation. This was the 50th EPD to be published by EPD Australasia. Last week EPD Australasia Director Martin Fryer took... Read more

WEBINAR: Putting transparency in motion – EPDs for infrastructure assets

How do you assess the environmental impacts of a train made up of over 150,000 parts over its full life cycle? Downer and thinkstep partnered to publish the first Environmental Product Declaration for a train in Australasia. This webinar presents... Read more

Textiles, insulation and fibreboard amongst new EPDs

The last 3 months has seen the publication of three new EPDs in very different industries. Woven Image Pty Ltd is a textile designer with sustainability at the core of it’s company value system. They have been pioneers in the... Read more

Name Change to EPD Australasia

The Australasian EPD Programme has been renamed “EPD Australasia”. The new name aligns with the names for other regional hubs of the International EPD System. It will not affect members or any already published EPDs.

Profile: Stephen Hicks

The most recent addition to the EPD Australasia board, Stephen Hicks brings over 20 years of research and development experience in the steel construction industry. Currently General Manager Structural Systems at HERA, the New Zealand industry body that delivers technical... Read more

EPDs front and centre at ALCAS Conference

The Australian Life Cycle Assessment 10th conference was held in Sydney, 4-6 March, with an estimated 100 delegates including LCA practitioners and representatives from academia, government and industry. The day one special workshop on EPDs was well subscribed. A variety... Read more

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