EPD Australasia

EPDs front and centre at ALCAS Conference

EPDs at ALCAS Conference

EPD Australasia Chair Stephen Mitchell with specialist speakers Jonas Bengtsson and Barbara Nebel at the EPD workshop

The Australian Life Cycle Assessment 10th conference was held in Sydney, 4-6 March, with an estimated 100 delegates including LCA practitioners and representatives from academia, government and industry.

The day one special workshop on EPDs was well subscribed. A variety of expert speakers explained how to read and use EPDs, why and how companies are currently using EPDs and how to create business value through EPDs. It was rewarding to see so many companies gaining knowledge and understanding about this powerful sustainability benchmarking tool.

EPD’s featured throughout the conference, with the EPD experience of some of our members, including Downer Rail and NXT Tec Ltd, presented.

The conference also featured world-class keynote speakers, including Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability from Curtin University and Olivier Jolliet, Professor of Impact and Risk Modelling at University of Michigan.

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