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Welcome to EPD South Korea

We welcome EPD South Korea to The International EPD System. EPD South Korea joins International EPD Programme Partners in Argentina, Australasia, Brazil, Egypt, India, Latin America, Middle East region (MENA), North America, South East Asia and Turkey. An announcement on... Read more

Do we publish EPDs registered by other EPD Programmes?

We occasionally get requests from organisations that have Environmental Product Declarations registered with other EPD Programmes asking if they can be published on our website. The short answer is no. EPD Australasia Programme Manager Kelly Taylor explains, “Every EPD programme... Read more

PROFILE: Carter Holt Harvey

Carter Holt Harvey has been a part of the Australasian timber industry for more than 150 years.  The company has survived this long through innovation, adaptability, and a commitment to the environment. These days the business is organised into four... Read more

Join us at the Australian LCA Conference 2023

The 11th Australian Conference on Life Cycle Assessment is being held on 19-20 July 2023 on the Australian Gold Coast. The draft programme has been released and includes speakers on EPDs, Circular Economy, Databases, Building Materials, Buildings, Food, Agriculture and... Read more

EPD International Stakeholder Conference: Sept 2023, Istanbul

EPD International’s annual stakeholder conference (ISC2023) is scheduled to be held on 13-14th September in Istanbul, Turkey. There is no substitute for face-to-face conferences, and this will be a great opportunity for EPD owners and stakeholders to hear about worldwide... Read more

US Government to use EPDs to purchase low-carbon construction materials

The US General Service Administration (GSA) has set limits for low-embodied carbon construction materials concrete, cement, masonry unit, asphalt, steel, and glass. These limits will need to be adhered to in federal government projects. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) values... Read more

NZGBC Embodied Carbon Calculator Released

The New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) has released an Embodied Carbon Calculator, Guide and Methodology. The release follows months of consultation with members and the wider built environment sector. The calculator will help projects seeking Green Star certification measure,... Read more

Who can develop an EPD for your product?

If you are a product manufacturer and don’t have the expertise for developing EPDs in-house, consultants with certified LCA practitioners with experience in EPDs are best placed to assist with the process. EPD Australasia recommends approaching LCA practitioners that have... Read more

Congratulations to all our EPD Owners

We now have a record 81 organisations that have chosen to register their EPDs with EPD Australasia and within the International EPD System. Some of these organisations are very big, some relatively small, but all are mighty transparent about the... Read more

EPD Australasia Logo refresh

We have refreshed the EPD Australasia logo with several variations and formats. These are now available for download via our website. Using the official logo on EPD PDF documents and digital EPDs is mandatory. Organisations with current EPDs can also... Read more

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