EPD Australasia

Martin Fryer Joins Australasian EPD Board

The Sustainability Manager for Auckland Airport, Martin Fryer, has been nominated by LCANZ to join the Australasian EPD Board of Directors. Responsible for implementing Auckland Airport’s sustainability policy, Martin brings extensive sustainability experience to the Board.

He began his career in local government, as a Recycling Officer in London before moving into the private sector as Environment Manager for Geest Foods in Cambridge. Moving to New Zealand in 2001, Martin held various environmental management positions with Fletcher Steel and Air New Zealand before joining Auckland Airport in 2007.

We asked Martin to provide us with some insights into his thoughts on EPDs as he takes his seat on the Board.

What is the value of EPDs to a sustainability manager?

EPD’s provide value to sustainability managers on many fronts.  These include:

  • gaining an understanding of supply chain sustainability;
  • facilitating material sourcing to ensure sustainable outcomes;
  • increasing the efficiency of supply chain interactions and decision making around sustainability;
  • assisting with transparency of sustainability disclosures.

Have you personally been involved with developing EPDs in your role with Auckland Airport?

I have not directly developed EPDs, but have certainly developed procurement systems to improve supply chain engagement and design standards that increase the requirement for EPDs from suppliers.

What role do you see Australasian EPD playing in enhancing sustainability in the Australasian market?

The Australasian EPD provides a crucial function in assisting the entire materials supply chain to more sustainable outcomes. EPD’s have a significant role to play in assisting sustainable development in Australasia. They support sustainability managers and procurement professionals in their procurement decisions and assist designers and architects in material specification and selection. Ultimately EPDs will assist the entire construction industry, helping to raise the bar, in terms of sustainable materials along the supply chain.

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