22nd May 2024
Under our partnership agreement with the International EPD® System, it is no longer possible to include several sets of results for multiple products in EPDs for construction products.
This change ensures all EPDs registered with EPD Australasia continue to be uploaded to the International EPD System EPD library, and for the results to also be available via ECO Platform’s ECO Portal digital EPD database.
A construction product EPD can cover multiple similar products, but it can only include one set of environmental impact results. The reported results can be based on an average, representative product, or worst-case. If one of these options is used, the EPD must state which on its cover page. Please see the latest Construction Product PCR for details.
For the benefit of EPD users, EPD Australasia strongly encourages the development of EPDs with product-specific results rather than reporting based on average, representative product, or worst-case results for a group of similar products.
Membership of EPD Australasia entitles you to register as many EPDs as you like at no additional cost, so please feel free to request as many EPD registration numbers as you need.
As always please refer to the General Programme Instructions, EPD Australasia’s Regional Annex, and the relevant PCR to ensure your EPD complies at the time of publication.
EPD Australasia realises this may impact organisations with EPDs currently under development and apologises for the inconvenience.
Please contact our Programme Manager, Kelly Taylor via email kelly@epd-australasia.com.au, or phone +61 2 8005 8206 / +64 9 889 2909 if you have concerns or further questions.
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