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Approved Individual Verifiers

Only individual verifiers approved by EPD Australasia may carry out individual EPD verification. Only accredited certification bodies may carry out EPD process certification. This ensures the consistency and credibility of EPDs registered with EPD Australasia.

All verifiers are required to demonstrate expertise and meet competency requirements in Life Cycle methodologies and critical review of LCA studies, as defined in the General Programme Instructions.

Individuals wishing to gain approval to verify EPDs for publication with EPD Australasia should contact the Secretariat.

A list of independent verifiers approved by EPD Australasia is below.

Andrew D.Moore, Life Cycle Logic
Email: andrew@lifecyclelogic.com.au
Fremantle, Australia

Angela Schindler, Umweltberatung
Email: angela@schindler-umwelt.de
Salem, Germany

Claudia A. Peña, ADDERE Research & Technology
Santiago, Chile

Hudai Kara, PhD, Metsims Sustainability Consulting
Email: hudai.kara@metsims.com
Oxford, United Kingdom

Jane Anderson, Construction LCA Ltd
Email: jane@constructionlca.co.uk
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Jeff Vickers, thinkstep-anz
Auckland, New Zealand

John Andrews, Toitū Envirocare
Email: john.andrews@toitu.co.nz
Rotorua, New Zealand

Jonas Bengtsson, Edge Impact
Email: jonas.bengtsson@edgeimpact.global
Sydney, Australia

Kimberly Robertson, thinkstep-anz
Email: kimberly.robertson@thinkstep-anz.com
Rotorua, New Zealand

Lindita Bushi, PhD, Athena Sustainable Materials Institute
Email: lindita.bushi@athenasmi.org
Toronto, Canada

Mamoru Yanagisawa, JIA
Email: m.yanagisawa@jia-page.or.jp
Tokyo, Japan

Martin Erlandsson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Email: martin.erlandsson@ivl.se
Valhallavägen, Sweden

Rob Rouwette, start2see Pty Ltd
Email: rob.rouwette@start2see.com.au
Mernda, Australia

Sazal Kundu, Edge Impact
Email: sazal.kundu@edgeimpact.global
Sydney, Australia

Victor Hakkarainen, CHM Analytics AB
Email: viktor.hakkarainen@chm-analytics.com
Gothenburg, Sweden

A list of approved independent verifiers who can verify EPDs in other countries for registration with the International EPD System is available here. A list of accredited certifying bodies is available here.

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