EPD Australasia

EPD Stakeholder Conference: report from Bilbao

Kelly Taylor, EPD Australasia Programme Manager recently attended the 8th Annual EPD Stakeholder conference in Bilbao, Spain. The conference saw more than 60 participants from around the world with strong industry representation.

The focus this year was on two main areas. The first being the major update to EN15804 and the subsequent update to the Construction Product PCR which is expected to be released shortly. This will see some major changes including a new set of core environmental indicators and a new reporting format.

The second area of focus was digitialisation and the move away from report style PDF EPDs to more accessible digital EPDs that allow the EPD data to be easily accessed and analysed for decision making. Whilst it is already possible to submit EPDs for registration in digital format for entry directly into the International EPD database the conference speakers presented various options for how this data could then be analysed and presented for communication and decision making. It is clear that digitalisation of EPDs has the potential to significantly improve the application and relevance of EPDs.

Click here to access the conference presentations. https://www.environdec.com/News-archive/#15580

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