EPD Australasia

FAQ – How to number products within PDF EPDs

EPD product identification numbers

We are introducing more detailed EPD product identification numbers to facilitate the transition to digital EPDs. The change applies to PDFs of EPDs with multiple products.


In PDF EPD documents containing multiple similar products, each product must be assigned a unique identifier to link it to its corresponding digital EPD. This identifier is called the EPD product identification number and is a combination of the EPD registration number, a separating hyphen, and a sequential product number within the PDF EPD document. For example S-P-99999-1 for the first product, S-P-99999-2 for the second product, and so on.

In any new PDF EPD document with multiple products, the EPD product identification number for each similar product must be included. This information must be included in a list of products within the EPD and integrated into the results tables, either within the tables themselves or in the table captions.

Consistency is key, and the same EPD product identification number is to be employed in the digital EPDs to ensure unambiguous product identification across both formats.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

General Programme instructions and additional EPD Australasia FAQs are available here.

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