EPD Australasia

Recovered mineral aggregates by Repurpose It

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Recovered mineral aggregates by Repurpose It

Repurpose It operates an innovative waste-to-resource plant in Epping, Victoria. We take in contaminated rail ballast, soil, C&D waste and other hard waste streams and through our process of washing, separating and sorting we create high-value sand, clay and aggregates for commercial construction projects.

This EPD covers the cradle-to-gate life cycle stages (modules A1-A3) of our washing plant and the recovered sand and aggregates we produce. The geographical scope of this EPD is Australia (for products manufactured in Epping, Victoria).

Detailed information

Company:Repurpose It
Products:Recovered mineral aggregates by Repurpose It
Registration No:S-P-01546
Registration date:2020-03-02
Version date:2020-03-02
Valid until:2025-03-02
Verified by:Jeff Vickers, thinkstep-anz
Reference PCR(s):PCR 2012:01 Construction products and construction services (EN 15804:A1)
Geographical scope:Australia
EN 15804:This EPD is compliant with EN 15804


Company Information

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