EPD Australasia

Oji Fibre Solutions – K25™ Fibre Cement Pulp (FCP) for speciality papers

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Oji Fibre Solutions – K25™ Fibre Cement Pulp (FCP) for speciality papers

This EPD covers K25™ an unbleached speciality kraft pulp manufactured at Oji Fibre Solutions’ Tasman Mill in Kawerau, New Zealand. This is a high-quality pulp for use in speciality papers. K25™ is made from radiata pine fibres and is manufactured to tightly controlled quality targets.

Oji Fibre Solutions’ Tasman Mill is strategically located in the heart of New Zealand’s largest forestry region and within the Kawerau Geothermal System – the world’s largest industrial geothermal area. Most of Tasman Mill’s energy needs are met through renewable sources of biofuels and natural geothermal steam.

Tasman Mill’s quality and environmental management systems are certified to ISO:9001 and ISO:14001, respectively. Wood-fibre is sourced from sustainably managed plantation forests with FSC® or PEFC chain-of-custody certification or meeting the certification requirements for mixed or controlled sources. K25™ is available for customers to purchase with FSC® or PEFC certification.

The scope of the EPD covers forestry, pulp making, distribution to a typical market destination and assumed end-of-life.

Detailed Information

Company:Oji Fibre Solutions
Products:K25™ Fibre Cement Pulp (FCP) for speciality papers
Registration No:S-P-05524
Registration date:2023-01-19
Version date:2023-01-19
Valid until:2028-01-19
Verified by:Claudia A. Peña, ADDERE Research & Technology
Reference PCR(s):PCR 2022:02, version 1.0, Pulps of wood or other fibrous cellulosic material, EPD International, 2022-03-25
Geographical scope:Global


Company Information

  • Oji Fibre Solutions
  • Country: New Zealand
  • Contact: sustainability@ojifs.com
  • Website: https://ojifs.com/

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