EPD Australasia

Asphalt in Australia

Downer Download

Asphalt in Australia

At Downer, we focus on our customers’ success in everything we do – because we believe that when our customers are successful, so are we.

We understand that our customers are facing unprecedented challenges, with climate change, left unaddressed, posing a threat to the economy, as well as our health, our communities and our future. The energy transition will require everyone to find new ways to deliver services, while minimising impact on our environment.

The services Downer delivers for our customers touch the lives of millions of people across Australia every day. Our Purpose, ‘Enabling communities to thrive’, encapsulates the important role that Downer plays in Australia’s journey towards net zero emissions. For Downer, climate change is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to contribute to a brighter future, and enable communities to thrive for generations to come.

With presence across every Australian state and territory, Downer’s Transport & Infrastructure business has invested more than $100 million in high recycling technology (HRT) asphalt manufacturing infrastructure over recent years. Forming part of our overarching decarbonisation strategy, this investment enables the production of up to 100% recycled asphalt mixes at our HRT asphalt facilities, significantly reducing both carbon emissions and draw on finite natural resources, while delivering specification-exceeding asphalt performance.

Downer believes third-party verification is an essential step in providing impartial, standardised, and comparable information. This Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a robust, science-based, independently-verified and standardised method for measuring and communicating the environmental impacts of Downer’s asphalt products.

Together with Downer’s independently-verified Life Cycle Assessment calculator, this EPD allows our customers to quickly and accurately quantify the environmental impacts of Downer’s asphalt products and services. This supports informed purchase decisions, communication of sustainability-focused product selection to stakeholders and the public, qualifies projects for points with green rating tools including the Infrastructure Sustainability Council’s rating scheme, and promotes industry and environmental recognition.

Downer is positioned to play a significant role towards a lower carbon economy by providing sustainable products and services that support our customers to respond, adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Together, we enable communities to thrive, shaping a connected and sustainable future.

Detailed Information

Company:Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd
Registration No:EPD-IES-0008458:002
Registration date:2023-07-31
Version date:2024-10-09
Valid until:2028-07-30
Verified by:Rob Rouwette
Reference PCR(s):PCR 2019:14 (v1.11) (2021)
Geographical scope:New Zealand
EN 15804:This EPD is compliant with EN 15804+A2:2019

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