9th Dec 2021
The ECO Platform AISBL have updated their logotype. It’s use is mandatory from January 1, 2022 for all your construction (EN15804) EPDs.
To make the new ECO EPD logo more widely applicable the new ECO EPD logo comes in three different colour versions: rgb, inverted and black!
Your EPDs for construction products according EN 15804:2012+A1:2013 (PCR2012:01) and EN15804:2012+A2:2019 (PCR2019:14) shall carry the ECO Platform logo from January 1, 2022. BUT, the ECO EPD logo is already available for download and usage via the EPD Portal!
Updating of existing EPDs with the new logo is not mandatory, but editorial edits are as always free with the International EPD System!
Some citations from the ECO Platform MD (C. Donath) and its BoD regarding the necessity to update the ECO EPD logo:
“To reflect our mission better, our logos received a facelift. The yellow European stars in our ECO Platform AISBL logo gave way for the green globe to indicate the global approach and the environmental context.
Our new #ECOEPD logo has a form of a quality stamp or sticker, which is promising reliable quality of environmental product data. It has opened for a wider range of products, beyond Construction Products covered by #EN15804.”
Contact the Secretariat for an updated logo file.
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