EPD Australasia

WEBINAR 15 JULY: Digitalisation and the future of EPDs

Digitalisation is changing the way we work on many levels.  So it should come as no surprise that digitalisation is going to change EPD’s – how they look, how they are accessed and how they are used.

In our next webinar the CEO of EPD International and the Chair of EPD Australasia team up to explain the shift in EPDs from static PDF documents to versatile digital datasets.


Digitalisation and the future of EPDs

Hear from the CEO of EPD International and our very own Stephen Mitchell on the move to digital dataset EPDs

Thursday 15 July, 2pm AEST /  4pm NZST

45 minutes duration



Find out what changes have been put in place at a global and regional level to support the shift to fully digitalised EPDs and what this means for you and your organisation.

Sebastiaan Stiller is the Managing Director of EPD International AB. He holds an MBA in Sustainability Management and has an international corporate and consulting background in the Environmental Services, Energy/Infrastructure and Manufacturing Industry.


Stephen Mitchell is the Chairperson form EPD Australasia. He has worked on environmental projects for over 20 years, with an environmental timber specialty. He is currently a principal consultant at both thinkstep-anz and Stephen Mitchell Associates.

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