EPD Australasia

Transmutation PostPrime ® Plastic Products


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Transmutation PostPrime ® Plastic Products

Transmutation Pty Ltd is an Australian-owned company based in South Australia’s Limestone Coast. Since 2018, the company has evolved into a sustainable, recycling and manufacturing business that has specialised in taking hard to recycle plastics and transforming them into commercial products.

Transmutation’s PostPrime ® Plastic is a trademark product that is made from used powder coating and post-consumer waste plastic. This consistent and high quality raw material is able to be moulded into a wide range of plastic products. The standard material composition is stronger than polypropylene and has great material properties. PostPrime ® Plastic is 100% sourced from Australian waste plastic and has full provenance provided to show where all components come from. This product provides outstanding environmental and sustainability credentials as a raw material for your plastic product.

Transmutation’s 50-65mm Bar Chairs are made from PostPrime ® Plastic that has been created from post-industrial and post-consumer waste plastic. The Bar Chairs are the strongest plastic chairs on the market with a rating of 200kg and fully meet AS/NZS2425;2015. The Bar Chairs can be used in the construction of concrete slabs and pads and provide outstanding environmental and sustainability credentials for reducing the carbon emissions of your concrete construction.

Detailed Information

Company:Transmutation Pty Ltd
Products:PostPrime ® Plastic, 50-65mm Bar Chairs
Registration Nos:
0017436:001, 0017437:001
Registration date:2024-12-16
Version date:See individual EPDs listed
Valid until:2029-12-16
Version Number:See individual EPDs listed
Verified by:Jane Anderson
Reference PCR(s):PCR 2019:14 Construction Products, Version 1.3.4
Geographical scope:Australia
EN 15804:This EPD is compliant with EN 15804+A2:2019/AC:2021

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