EPD Australasia

StopDigging Ground Screws

StopDigging NZ Download

Included Products In The EPD

  • SGC Adapter Screws
  • SGP Adapter Screws
  • SGU Beam Screws
  • SGN Pipe Screws
  • SG EX Adapter Screws
  • SGS Post Screws

Climate Declaration Download

StopDigging Ground Screws

There’s a ground screw for every project. Beam screw, post screw, adapter screw and pipe screw – we have six basic models of screw with different brackets, lengths and measurements depending on what is to be anchored, what the load requirements are and the ground conditions where the screws are to be installed. As well as all this, we have a number of attachments for special installations. Where you need a concrete supporting block, we can install a screw.

Detailed Information

Company:StopDigging NZ
Products:StopDigging Ground Screws
Registration No:EPD-IES-0015266:001
Registration date:2024-08-24
Version date:2024-08-24
Valid until:2029-08-15
Version Number:1
Verified by:Mamoru Yanagisawa
Reference PCR(s):PCR 2019: 14 Construction products, version 1.3.4
Geographical scope:New Zealand
EN 15804:This EPD is compliant with EN 15804

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